We are


An in love, off-the-grid couple from Northland, New Zealand. It is lovely to meet you. Read on to learn a bit more about us.


I am probably the one chatting to you, meeting with you, organising all of the bits and pieces behind the day and it is most likely me who will be photographing and filming your wedding day! <3

A bit about me:

Coffee or wine, (depending on the time of the day) & a good book (preferably a romantic fantasy - guilty as charged). Curled up by the fire in our tree-house home off-the-grid in Northland, I am absolutely in my happy place. :)

My favourite colour is sunset, if that can be accepted as a colour, followed a close second by the beautiful mix of greens I see out my window from my work desk. (That’s the view from my desk at the top of this page - truly!).

My favourite song at the moment is “Tua” (“Bigger”) by Stan Walker, my partner will blast it on the loudspeakers if he knows I am feeling sad. :)

I love love. <3 I love to be in love, reading about love, watching movies about love, filming couples in love, love of family, love of a baby being born… That is probably what drew me to capturing these moments in the first place, I cannot get enough of them. Not one part of this feels like work to me. From the talking with people about their story, to getting to be there and film it, to getting to swoon over it again as I edit it, to sharing the final product with people who love the. Bliss!

I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, I studied midwifery, I love to bake, train for triathlons and I love all things design.

So if you are in the mood to share a bit of your story with me, know that it is in safe hands and that I will absolutely enjoy and dedicate myself to every minute of it. <3


I am Mikayla’s partner and film making is my thing - when a client wants more angles, a second shooter or a more in depth film requiring more gear, its me who will join Mikayla on your wedding day.

A systems architect for many years, now turned off-grid film-maker. I love self-sufficiency and enjoy the satisfaction of crafting something from scratch, whether it be a new shed, a computer game, or a client video. I enjoy the process of dedicating myself to the learning of something, and giving absolute focus to create something stunning. I enjoy even more, that I get to do that every day with my partner in crime Mikayla (yes Mikayla is writing this) <3

I love movies (like all of them), particularly if it has Clint Eastwood in it. I like computer games, although I prefer to write code to play the game for me (cough cough). And I consider it such a privilege that I get to call this little piece of land in the North my home.

I really value how lucky we are with technology and the advancements being made in the world of film. I love lights, cameras, photography and videography and have taught both models and photographers across Australia and New Zealand. I must have “read all of the internet” when it comes to videography gear and what is best practice based on this knowledge and my experience. You are absolutely in safe hands when it comes to both the filming and editing of video, that's for sure. :)